Wskijinu’k Mtmo’taqnuow

Welcome to the Wskijinu’k Mtmo’taqnuow Agency (WMA), where our commitment to sustainable economic development and community empowerment drives our every action. At WMA, we strive to create impactful changes through economic opportunities including significant infrastructure projects and renewable energy initiatives. Join us in our journey to foster a brighter, more sustainable future.

About WMA

Wskijnu’k Mtmo’taqnuow Agency (“WMA”), translating to “the People’s Agency,” is an economic development partnership owned by the 13 Mi’kmaw First Nations communities. Created by the 13 Nova Scotia Chiefs in 2019, WMA explores opportunities to participate in economic activities that benefit the nation. Our participation is normally in the form of joint ventures and equity investments. WMA develops partnerships with industry leaders to participate in opportunities happening in the province. WMA was established with the vision of empowering the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia,and aligning business opportunities with the Mi’kmaw Nation’s interests and values. Our key purposes are twofold:

Business Development

We are committed to identifying and engaging in diverse business ventures that contribute to the prosperity of the Mi’kmaw Nation.

Governance and Infrastructure

WMA is dedicated to developing robust internal governance processes and supports, enhancing our ability to conduct and facilitate business for the Mi’kmaq efficiently and transparently.

WMA is dedicated to leading transformative projects that not only support our economic growth but also respect and preserve our cultural heritage. Our approach integrates modern technologies with traditional values, ensuring that every project contributes positively to our environment and the Province as a whole.

Who We Are

WMA is governed by a five-person board of directors. This board composition includes four  community members closely connected to our communities and one independent director. The independent director is specifically chosen for their skills to complement existing board expertise. This strategic governance structure serves several critical purposes:

  • Protection for First Nations:
    By ensuring the First Nations are not directly involved in the day-to-day management of WMA, we maintain the liability protection associated with a limited partnership.

  • Separation of Business and Politics:
    This approach maintains a clear distinction between business operations and political influences, crucial for unbiased decision-making.

  • Agility in Business:
    The structure allows WMA to operate efficiently, making timely and effective decisions in the dynamic business environment.

At WMA, our actions are guided by the principle of moving ‘at the speed of business,’ ensuring that we remain adaptable, responsive, and forward-thinking in all our endeavors.

The Board

Our board members are the pillars of WMA, bringing diverse expertise and deep commitment to our mission. Each member plays a crucial role in guiding our strategies, leading projects and ensuring alignment with our core values of sustainability, economic growth, community benefit, and cultural respect.

  1. Crystal Nicholas – President & Interim General Manager
  2. Rhonda MacDougall – WMA Director
  3. Steve Parsons – CEO, Eskasoni Corporate Division; WMA Director
  4. James Stevens – WMA Director, Director of Commercial Operations, Millbrook First Nation
  5. Michael Peters – WMA Director, CEO Glooscap Ventures


At WMA, our projects are at the heart of what we do. We focus on developing infrastructure and renewable energy initiatives that are not just innovative but also culturally sensitive and environmentally sustainable. 

Our project partners must demonstrate a strong commitment to the journey of economic reconciliation. While our projects are designed to meet the needs of today while safeguarding the resources for future generations while progressing economic reconciliation.



We are always eager to hear from you. Whether you have questions, suggestions, or want to learn more about our projects, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact Crystal Nicholas at or 902-631-2446 and we will get back to you promptly.